friday, october 25 2:00:57 AM posted by Blake Stuchin Alto Entertainment's biography of Jenna Jameson lists her hobbies as "Shopping, Water Skiing & Sex." You know, call me old fashioned, but in today's jaded society, it's really wonderful to see a girl who lists her profession among her hobbies. (I am actually researching Ms. Jameson to be used as a reference and comparison point for a presentation I am giving tomorrow morning on female softcore pornography. I love college.) # Comments [] tuesday, october 22 12:56:34 AM posted by Blake Stuchin five minutes to 1 am, and i have 1 page out of 4 complete. and it's not even good. looks like it might be a long night. i've switched from Rosengarten Laptops to Rosengarten Workstations, but the only one available was the Workstation With The Fan That's Broken. So now i have to deal with a buzzing noise for the next couple hours. This night really eats it... # Comments [] 12:59:07 AM posted by Blake Stuchin YES! i fixed the buzzing noise on the computer's fan. things are looking up. # Comments [] 1:00:58 AM posted by Blake Stuchin Buzzing noise is back. grr.. # Comments [] 1:11:35 AM posted by Blake Stuchin does anybody else ever wonder what the hell those videos are that people always seem to have to watch in rosengarten? they're always in black and white with like freakish monsters jumping out every five seconds. and then there's always the crazy violent white man, usually someone's husband. honestly, what class is this for? # Comments [] monday, october 21 11:49:02 PM posted by Blake Stuchin monday night and i'm in the library procrastinating. i have a four-page paper for my japanese class due tomorrow and i can't concentrate because it's fucking feeding time at the rosengarten zoo. i have nothing to say right now, i can't make coherent thoughts into sentences. # Comments [] 11:50:29 PM posted by Blake Stuchin i'm working at a mac tonight and i noticed that this website looks like shit on a mac. i'll probably never find the time to optimize it for both browsers, so if you have a mac and you're reading this, go look at it on a pc. # Comments [] sunday, october 20 2:35:07 PM posted by Blake Stuchin saw Reel Big Fish last nite with Lance, and i am still coming down. after last night, i have decided that everyone should see a punk/ska show with Lance, because you get to hear him spit out such gems as "these are all of the people i avoided in high school, together in one room" and "there is not a single attractive person in this room - not one." Lance, perhaps the single preppiest kid i know, skanked his ass off all nite in a gray sweater that was as close to punk as he can be, and he might've even had a better time than me. RBF was solid all night, but it was The Starting Line, playing to their largest crowd ever in their hometown of Philly, that completely stole the show. Kenny looked like some kind of Huggy Bear up there on stage with his bleach blonde hair and albino-colored skin, and everything was fantastic. Lance and I were without question the oldest people in the pit by two years, minimum. Sidenote: philly punks think they're all tough with their piercings and haircuts, it's so cute. i wanted to wrap one up with me and take her home in a doggy bag. ... that doesn't sound right.... # Comments [] 2:38:17 PM posted by Blake Stuchin "reciprocity" and "mosh pit" do normally come together, but there's something about the philly scene that's just different. the pits were as loud and rowdy as any i've seen before (except "Live" at Hammerstein, in November, 2000 - their fans are fucking nuts), but the difference is that here, when the kiddies fell down mid-skank, someone always stopped to help him up. It was like they were saying "everyone's gonna get hurt, but we don't want anyone to get hurt." Maybe you had to be there, but i was actually kinda touched by this display of bizarre safety measure in an otherwise aggresion-filled room. # Comments [] |