Movie Quote. Ha! Another Movie Quote!

There's a particularly entertaining piece on King's perceived adoration of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, which he called "Finally, a Movie Worth Seeing Over and Over!" When asked for comment, King replied "I told the CNN person to tell the studio, 'I didn't understand the damn movie at all. I'd have to see it over and over again to figure out what happened.' And then they went and used it!"
King of the Blurbs (LA Times via Salon)
Labels: movies
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By blake, at Wednesday, February 14, 2007 12:51:00 AM
post #2
Better than anything he ever said to Winnie Cooper

I believe that everyone should have a favorite Fred Savage line. Mine is "you said no new games!" from The Wizard. Permalink • 1 comments •
Mine isn't so much a quote, as it was simply the time in "The Wonder Years" when FredSav made out with a hot, gum-chewing blonde who was supposed to be dating his brother, and when they finished kissing her gum was in his mouth.
For a young teenage boy, that's pretty much the 2nd awesomest thing that could happen, short of watching the debut of Super Mario Bros 3 in a major motion picture.