rules of new jersey
I just got a Ticketmaster alert that Bon Jovi is playing 4 dates at the Prudential Center in Newark. This presents a tough decision. Blake's Rules of Life state that one should always make an effort to see Bon Jovi play live whenever he is playing in New Jersey, however the Rules also state that one must never go to Newark. This is a toughie. Lerman suggests I flip a NJ commemorative quarter.
In other news, Forbes has an interesting piece on the Top earning caddies in golf. Apparently Tiger's caddie made $1.27 million last year and was given a $140,000 new Ford GT as a bonus. I realize that there's a lot to it, but I can't help but think that all this person does is walk and carry sticks for a living.
Labels: davelerman, music, sports
Permalink • 0 comments •Wednesday, June 20, 2007
This Week in crazy
Two fun stories about crazy people today. In celebrity crazy, David Hasselhoff lost visitation privileges of his children "for two weeks after the public leak of a videotape showing an apparently drunken Hasselhoff struggling to eat a cheeseburger while on the floor of his Las Vegas home."

And in sports crazy, Devil Rays rookie Elijah Dukes served up a
delightful pile of unrelenting nonsense crazy on a Tampa radio station. Among the gems:
"Ni'Shea Dukes, who you also called ... featuring as a good wife and a stand-up type of person, is not so stand-up after all," Dukes said. "First of all you need to get a little bit of her background. She was not born as a Paris Hilton or nothing like that to be trying to talk all proper. ... You all need to go to the house and see what I've done for my kids. ... If she wouldn't have been trying to steal my money the whole time we've been trying to talk, we would probably still be together right now. Everything is about money."
On Gilbert's claim that Duke told her his mom had a crack problem, Dukes said: "First of all, I never said nothing about crack because I don't know nothing about crack. ... I never told anyone my mom smoked crack."
On the alleged report that he impregnated a 17-year-old: "Me and her did something one time, and it was not even close to the time she conceived this baby. I know for a fact it's not mine."
Thanks to Danny for the tip on this one.
Labels: baseball, celebrities, crap, danabramson
Permalink • 0 comments •Of Food and Finance
I'm giving a lecture at the Fancy Food Show in July called "Financing your Food Business" as part of an education session on Best Financial Practices for Specialty Food Manufacturers. The lecture should be fun, but I'm most excited for the opportunity to sample all the goods on the floor. Since I'm a picky eater, my dad pointed out that all I eat is specialty food. Plain chicken with brown rice qualifies as specialty, right? Permalink • 0 comments •
Don't call it a comeback

Anytime I don't write anything here for awhile, I start to feel like the significance of the "first post back" is that much greater than my typically irreverent writing. That then gets in my head and I start to overthink what I might write, thereby destroying the ability to ramble along as stream-of-consciously as I would like. So I'm going to try to just jump back into things. Forgive me if I'm rusty.
We'll start with news of the day, three items for the third day of the week:
1. There was a fire last night on 17th Street. Steph smelled smoke at about 11:30. I, of course, smelled nothing because as you all know, smell is the worst of my five senses since I produce more snot than most third world countries. There were firetrucks and lots of noise until a little past midnight. When I left the apartment this morning, I could still smell the smoke. Here's the Post's story on it.
2. NY Mag's cover story this week on Steve Jobs is one of the best I've read on him (and on Apple) in quite awhile. Be warned that it's long (it's a 7 page spread in the magazine itself) but it's really terrific. Considering how much time we all spend obsessing over Apple, and obsessing about our obsessing over Apple, this piece seems to nail the equal parts narcissist and genius that make up Jobs. I suggest you all print a copy and read it on the can.

3. If my email were TV Guide, this would be a rerun. For some reason I think Will will really enjoy this.
Brash Young Floor Trader Trying To Rally Dow All By Self
Labels: blakestuchin, technology
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