Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I've created a monster

This year I'm doing a fantasy football league with my friends and their girlfriends. It's a 12 owner league, 7 guys and 5 girls, and of the 12 people, 8 of them are new to fantasy football. As a lender, my goal is to manage risk. Risk of capital, risk of litigation, risk of emotional stress. In terms of my ego, creating this fantasy league is one of the dumbest things I've ever done.

Best case scenario, all that happens is that I win this league and I get accused of beating up on a bunch of newbies. Far more likely, however, is that I will be horribly humiliated. Even if I come in second place, I'll never hear the end of it. Personally, no good can come of this, but hey it's fun to do stuff with friends.

Meanwhile, the newbies are getting into the league and I fear that I've created a monster. Two weeks into the season and we're already getting arguments over trade vetoes, smack talk, and a whole lot of emotional ups and downs. I'm sitting at the top at 2-0 right now, but I expect to spend the better part of this Sunday cursing Andre Johnson's knee and wishing bad things upon Peyton Manning. Stupid laser rocket arm.


9th-seed-in-the-draft Bobbo beat you this week. You were supposed to be infallible, what gives?

A kid at the Make-a-Wish Foundation requested you go undefeated this season, and you let him down. You let that poor, sick kid down.

Be who he thinks you are -- he really wants to crown your ass. And if you don't take first place this year, I will simply assume that you love children like Michael Vick loves dogs.

By Blogger David, at Monday, September 24, 2007 4:05:00 PM  

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I'm Blake. I like to learn stuff.

I like to learn about history, art, culture, sports, and politics. I like learning about what happens when you mix Diet Coke and Mentos. I like learning about Britney's latest flameup, Beckham's newest haircut, and how to make little origami gift boxes out a piece of 8.5x11.

I started this blog for me to have a place to write about the things that I've learned. I hope that you enjoy reading.

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I am a partner in The Rock Club, the NYC area's premier rock climbing gym. NYC kiddies - we're double the size of Chelsea Piers and way more fun. Programs and instruction for all skills and levels. Tell them Blake sent you and get a free carabineer. If you buy a membership, I will buy you a cupcake.

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